Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snotty-Nose Pony

Axe seems to have an allergy to something. She's had a viscous, snotty nose for a week. The vet came yesterday. All vitals were perfectly normal. The diagnosis is allergy. She's prescribed an anti-hystimine. We got new hay at the barn, which was my first question when I got the frantic text message "Ax is sick!". But she's been back on the old hay for a week, and her boogers are negligibly better. Does anyone know if horses can be allergic to birds? We have some very active sparrows in the barn right now. They nest in the hay bales in the loft, as well as perch above the horse's water & food buckets throughout the day.Axe gets the same snotty nose in the spring and I've guessed that it's an allergy to something growing in the pastures, but the sparrows are also similarly active that time of year as well. Any thoughts?
At the very least, the prescription should work its magic if it's an allergy.

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